Investing in Change, Cultivating Climate Solutions

Investing in Change,
Cultivating Climate Solutions


About Aspenall


Aspenall Energies (Delaware), LLC (“Aspenall”) was founded in 2007 and is a subsidiary of Treehouse Investments, LLC, a minority-owned, boutique infrastructure firm dedicated to addressing climate change. Aspenall develops, owns, and operates decentralized renewable energy generation projects throughout the Midwest.

Decentralized projects bring direct benefits to the communities where they are located by providing system resilience and local revenues, and they do it in a way that is adaptable, ecological, and can be implemented quickly.

The projects that we develop, build, and run are mid-scale, up to 80 MW Qualifying Facilities (QF) under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act. They are big enough to take advantage of the most current utility-scale turbine technologies but small enough to connect to the distribution grid, closer to the demand of the rural communities we serve.

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Associations and Memberships:


Highlighted Projects



20 MW wind farm operating in
Grant County, MN

13.8 MW wind farm operating in
Jackson County, MN


30 MW wind farm operating in
Kimball County, NE


“We are enthusiastic proponents of decentralized wind, which supports local land owners and businesses, and has fewer negative impacts on the community, infrastructure and environment than utility-scale projects.”

Raoul Slavin, Director of Aspenall


Investments and Acquisitions


Aspenall is actively seeking acquisition and investment opportunities in renewable energy projects that meet the following general criteria: 

  • up to 80 MW installed capacity; 

  • majority stake for sale; 

  • operating, or in late stages of development;

  • located in the Midwest.

Please contact us for more information.